Sci-Fi - Superheroes - Tv Shows - Movies.


In this amazing tv show of adventure and lose a young girl called Kara Zor-El lost
her life, her planet and her family and at the end her planet she goes to earth to protect her baby cousin Cal-El but she did not arrive at the same time as he and by the time she gets there her coins has grown up and become Superman so she hid her powers until her foster sister was in trouble and that forced her to reveal her powers to the world and then Cat Grant named her Supergirl.

Season 1:


In this episode of Supergirl Kara is working as Cat Grants assistant when she foster sister Alex Danvers is on a plain when the engine fails and that is what makes Kara reveal herself to the world to save her sister but that alerts the fort rozz escaped prisoners that she is on earth.

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